星期四, 七月 31

Last Training Day of the month

Evening run at ECP with a female colleague, who was a former Ironman (or ironlady in this case).

She claimed she is not a fast runner but can go the distance. Since i wanted to take it easy so I was happy to just follow her pace. And thanks to her for regulating my pace, i was able to finish the run feeling fresh. I really forgot how to do it slow and steady...recently have been running too fast for the longer runs.

Overall, a good run to end the month.
Distance: 14km
Time: 1:38:48
Avg Pace: 7:04/km

2 other colleagues were talking about signing up for the 21km SCSM.
I think I will organise an office run every Tuesday and Thursday for those who wanna run.

^..^ ^..^
