星期四, 十二月 10

SCSM 2009 ( Will this be the last one?)

For a while after TNF100, I thought I was a good runner.
The unfounded confidence was carried over in my trainings and race, which i recorded my personal best for various distances-
15km- 1:27 (Real run)
21km- 2:09
28km- 3:00

28km was the longest i ran before SCSM. Was really busy with my work and house moving so trainings were sporadic. Since I could do TNF100, what is SCSM? And so i thought.

As usual, we booked a room at Pan Pacific the night before the race. Dear was contemplating whether to go ahead with her 21km, but decided to pursue due to a strained rib muscle.
I anticipated the huge crowd at the start line and stayed in the hotel room to watch the flag-off on live telecast instead.
I made my way to the start line after 15mins, and crossed the start line at 6am, 30 mins after the official start time.
Stuck to my 8 min run/2 min walk strategy. The only difference from last year was i ran the 8min @ below 6:00/km, just like i did in my earlier trainings.
Here were my 10km split for the first 30km
I clocked 3:22 by the time i crossed 30th km. With 12km to go, i ignited the hope for a sub-5 PB (remember i did the TNF100, so I must be invincible:) ).

However, i slowed down considerably after 30km and looked for every excuse to prolong my walk breaks. And at 34th km, BOOMZ, I hit the wall. My both thighs and calves cramped so badly, i couldnt move a step. After a long 5mins (yes it felt long), the cramps eased off and i tried to stretch, the cramps came back! ha! Another few centuries have passed before I started to limp for the remaining journey.

I broke into slow jogs whenever the legs were better. That was the longest 12km, only second to the 10km (aka hill 256) during TNF.

I crossed the finish line in 5:08, 6 mins slower than last year, disappointed but i knew i tried my best.

The SCSM humbled me, and put me back in reality. Running 42km is a daunting task, as PK rightfully puts it "42km is still a mountain, not a molehill". You cannot go in without a sound strategy and preparation and still expect to do a PB.

So will i be back next year to claim my PB? I dont know, the route is getting too boring for me. Maybe I will seek my revenge elsewhere.

星期日, 十一月 15

Trainings for the week (ending 15 Nov)

11 Nov- 10km Temp run @ 57:12. avg pace 5:45/km.

15 Nov- 28km @ 3:00. avg pace 6:26/km. Had my longest and earliest run after TNF100. Almost forgot how much damage the concrete pavement can do to your joints. My knees felt really sored after the run. Back to my run/walk of 8:2. The only difference was I tried to do the run stretch at sub 6:00/min. Struggled to maintain the pace after 21km. I need more tempo run at sub 6:00/km pace.

Hope to clock another 2 LSD of 32km and 35km before the SCSM.

星期日, 十一月 8

New Balance Real Run 2009

This is my 2nd Real Run, but perhaps, this is my last one.
I dont know, but the race did not feel as obliging as TNF or SCSM.
I probably will be more selective with my races going forward, to have more time for my family over the weekends.

I arrived at the car park of Changi Exhibition Centre at 6am this morning, after I picked up my hotcakes meal from McDonald's. Since i was way too early, I sat in the car to have a slow slow breakfast. I got out of the car at 7am,and made my way to join the toilet queue.

The race started shortly after my toilet break. Bumped into PK and J at the start line. Was sorry to hear that J had a bad stomach from some spicy food the night before.

It took me about 8 mins to cross the start line since the usual me hate to join the start-line congestion. I didnt have any expectation for the run today, just took it as another tempo run with longer distance. Since it meant to be a tempo run, my targeted pace was 5:50-6:00/min.

The run felt easy today as I could hold my tempo pace throughout. The cross-terrain was chicken feet if you compare it with TNF. Another blessing was the weather- sun was only out in the last 5km.

Water stops were well placed and well stocked along the route, but I only stop twice for drinks.
Distance markers at 5th and 10th km were a bit off, but they managed to correct the distance at the 15th km.

Overall, I ran my PB for this race, shaved about 4mins off last year's timing-
Timing for each 5km as follow

5th km (4.79km on garmin) 28:09 avg pace 5:53/km
10th km (4.78km on gamin) 27:36 avg pace 5:46/km
15th km (5.50km on garmin) 31:39 avg pace 5:45/km
Total 15km 1:27:25 avg pace 5:48/km

星期三, 十一月 4

Project RFRF

RFRF = Run faster Run Farther.

I have been wondering whether I will be able to run faster and run farther if I still devote 3 runs a week?

If yes, how do I do it?

Here's my plan and doing it progressively
a. 1 x tempo.
current= 6:00/km for 10km.
intermediate target= 6:00/km for 20km
final target 5:30/km for 20km.

b. 1 x km repeats
current 4:50/km for 5 sets.
intermediate target= 4:30/km for 5 sets.
target 4:00/km for 8 sets.

c. 1 x LSD/MSD
current: distance varies. pace varies.
intermediate target= alternate LSD with MSD fortnightly. LSD up to 42km @ 7:30/km.
target : build distance up to 60km @ 7:00/km.

Lets see how much I can progress in 6 months.

星期二, 十一月 3

I want to be healthy for my family

Last weekend, both girl and dear were down with viral infection.

Girl was warded due to high fever (40C) for 2 consecutive days. Dear has better immunity, but still ran a soar throat and cough.

We stayed with girl at the hospital for 2 nights, hardly slept at night with the hourly temp checking and 4/6 hourly medication.

I kept up with the demand pretty well, beside a little backache from prolonged carrying of girl, otherwise I was still energetic and alert.
I guess all the exercises have kept me in the best of shape and I was glad to be the safety net for the family when they needed me.

As i said before, staying healthy is a choice and I am glad i have made that choice.

星期四, 十月 29

The week (or almost a week) after

It has been wine (beer to be exact) and dine ever since the race. Feel so good to take a break from the usual trainings.
Did a recovery jog with dear on Sunday and this is the one time she ran faster than me :)
I dont know about the rest but I keep feeling sleepy in the day, everyday. In fact, I fell asleep during my sport massage session yesterday which is unusual.

"What's next?" has been the question.
Maybe I can discuss with the few like-minded friends when we meet up for more wine and dine next week.

Now, back to work zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

星期日, 十月 25

TNF100 2009

This was a tough race in 4 aspects-
1. Race day fell on my wife's birthday. I needed her "permission" to run.
2. I was driven by the constant worry that i would miss the cut-off time at 1st checkpoint (29.2km, cut-off 5hrs).
3. The weather = HOT!
4. The terrain, especially the Hill 256 (or 265?). Re-lived the memory of national service.

Started the race with BFG, PK and Ms. Kona (my race partner, who is a mini-celebrity in the triathlon circle).
A quick recount of what i can remember of the race (i have bad memory you see)

0-10km (Time 1:30)
Targeted pace was 10min/km. However, we flirted dangerously with the target pace.
Worried that I might miss the cut-off, I ran ahead anyway.

20km (Time 3:05)
What did I do? I couldnt remember.

30km (Time 4:35)
The toughest 10km I have ever run.
My strategy then was to run from shade to shade, which were far and few.
When I saw the Hill 256, my heart sank. I swore I wanted to give up at that point.
Light thigh felt crampy, and continued to threaten to act up for the next 20km.
And phew! I made the 1st cut-off time.

40km (Time 6:10)
At this point i knew that I was almost certain to make it to end point before the 9hrs cut-off, barring all unforeseen circumstances- eg. eaten by a tiger or abducted by an alien.
If I continued the pace I could shoot for a sub-8 hrs finish. Fortunately, I was left with the easier stretch of the race route- rifle range road to MR.
50km (Time 7:52++)
Yipee!! A sub-8 hrs finish :)))
The last 5km felt forever. All i could do was walk all the uphills, and slow jog on the down and level ground- our strategy from the start. For the last 500m, all I could manage was a slow jog to the finishing line. Quite an un-glam finish but hey, I was drained.

Things that are worthy of mention
1. Never wrap the electrolyte tablets in tissue, cos it melts. Idiot!
Oh, btw, thanks PK for the tablets.

2. Power walk up the hills instead of running. It saves energy without comprising much time.

3. Shiit happens during a race, no matter how good a runner you are. You can never prepare enough for unfortunate events that are thrown at you. There's always another race another day, it takes greater courage to call it quit.

4. Ice grapes (courtesy of kind souls at sgrunners' support) and Ice 100-plus (courtesy of eat2run support) have neven tasted so good.

5. My heartfelt appreciation to all the supporters and volunteers. You guys are godsend and made the journey more bearable.

6. Last but most importantly, congratulation to BFG and PK who completed the race. Timing is not of the essence but the spirit of perseverance. We will meet again in Sundown 84km?
PS. Did you guys get the autograph from Ms. Kona :))

This is indeed the toughest race I have ever run.
This is one race I can be proud of.

星期日, 十月 18

Counting Down and Gearing Up

Counting Down- TNF100.
Gearing up- SCSM 2009

I guess its futile to train for TNF100 in the last 2 weeks. Thus I have shifted my focus to SCSM instead.

Sun (11Oct)-
A day after the 36km LSD trail run. Did a run at ECP with dear- a recovery run for me, and a SCSM half-marathon practise run for her.
9.3km. 1:11.

Wed- Was feeling moody from work. What is better at destressing than a run. A 18.5km run along the park connectors. 2:11, including warm-up, traffic stops and water breaks.

Sat- Squeezed in a late afternoon short run before a dinner appointment. Hate to run under the hot sun if you know me. Hard-pressed to keep up the tempo race, which in my definition is 6:00/km. Result was 4km averaging 5:45/km.

Sun (18Oct)- Dear did her SCSM practise run this evening. I did my tempo run. 9 km averaging 5:50-6:00/km. Pace was good and with the absence of heat, I felt I could go on forever. Good run.

星期一, 九月 28

More trainings needed

after the 30km progressive run, I know that i am seriously lack of endurance to be able to complete 50km.

I have more trainings lined up before the tapering, mainly working on muscle endurance.
I have to tread very carefully on the intensity and mileage as I dont want old injuries to flare up.

Here's my plan for the next 3 weeks

hill trainings on treadmill - 1 x weekly
stairs trainings - 1 x weekly
Short or mid distance trail run (either 10 or 15km) - 1 x weekly
Mid or long distance trail run (either 15km or 21km) - 1 x weekly
Last Long run of 35km scheduled with BFG and PK on 10Oct, but yet to confirm.
Maybe weights training on non-running days.

星期日, 九月 27

TNF100 30km Progressive Run

Partnered BFG and PK for the run this morning.
The turnout at this progressive run was fewer than the previous, according to BFG and PK.
Nonetheless, it still impressed me with the number of the participants and the preparation of the organiser.

Runners were flagged off in groups of 20s to minimise the congestion on the trails.
PK had a run/walk plan of 8:1, however, we ended up walking at every uphill there was.
Honestly, i didnt pay too much attention to the trails except to keep pace with BFG and PK.
Mentally 30km is pretty overwhelming for me so i didnt want to think too much about it. Instead, i just focused on completing each small segments (5km) of the 30km. Time is not of the essence but rather the completion of the distance.

We started our run at 8am and the run was out in full force when the time we were running rifle range road to MR. The details of it I am sure BFG will have a better narration than me.
I cant say enough how much i hate to run under the hot sun and therefore the tendency to run under any shades I can find.
Rifle range road (to and fro) and SICC were my least favourite stretch of the trails. I had to pick up pace along these roads to get under the shade as fast as possible.

I usually run alone but I must say that this does make a HUGE difference to run with someone.
It makes the whole distance more enjoyable and less torturous. Seriously, I dont think I would be able to complete the 30km without the companion or BFG and PK. My heartfelt gratitude go to these 2 great guys that had to bear with me for 5 hours. By the way, PK, I still owed your the drinks! The ice-cold drinks at MR visitor centre was a saver!
We made it back to the end point in 5hrs, probably one of the last few runners but personally it was an accomplishment. I was tired but not exhausted and couldnt help but wonder how I will be able to do another 20km, with 4 hrs to go, on race day. This is really the "toughest race in Singapore".

星期四, 九月 24

Revitalising Run

Contemplated to do stairs or a trail run. Eventually decided on trail since I will need to spend more time on the actual ground as the race approaches.

Took the Lornie trail as it is long enough to provide some challenge yet short enough to complete before sunset.
Did the run on a perceived effort of 7/10 with controlled pace down and up hills (shorter strides, increase turnover etc).. Yes i ran all the hills.

Distance= 9.66km on Garmin
Time taken= 1:04

Felt so fresh and revitalised after the run.
Hope I can feel the same after the 30km progressive run this Sat (You dream on!!).

星期日, 九月 20

Birthday Trail Run

Today is my lunar birthday and I celebrated it with an afternoon trail run at MR/BT with dear.

Dear did the lornie trail while i did the longer way- lornie trail-> rifle range link ->rifle range road -> belukar track -> Senapang Link -> BT visitor center -> Hindhede Way-> Asas Loop -> Diary Farm Pass -> rifle range road- > rifle range link -> lornie trail.

Total 22km. Time taken 3:17. I tanked at 20km and walked the last 2 km. Average pace is 9min/km which is my targetted race pace.

The more I train for TNF100, the more i find the task daunting.

星期三, 九月 9

Stairs Training (9 Sep 09)

6 sets with rest time of 3 mins in between.
Timing for each set-

2:28 2:27 2:21 2:19 2:14 2:22

My goal is not speed but endurance.

Other planned trainings for this week include a short trail run on Friday and a LSD trail on Sunday.

星期二, 九月 1

Stairs Training

Part of the trainings for TNF100.

1 set = 16 storeys.

Warm up- 1 set by walking up.
Follow by 4 sets- 2:30 target time with 3:00 rest in between.

Jelly legs and grasping for breath after the sets.

I am totally not ready for the race.

星期二, 八月 18

Races for the rest of the year

1. Northface 100 duo
2. New Balance Realrun- 15km
3. Standchart Singapore marathon.

Missed the AHM cos of my commitment as a father : ) Did the half marathon at MR in the same evening. Run-walk the 21km in 2:41:30. Almost had to resort to crawling.
I am seriously evaluating the possibility of completing the 50km in 9hrs....

2 more months to go. More weekend long runs in MR.

By the way, am very tempted to buy an garmin 305XT.
BFG, tell me your review of the watch!

星期四, 七月 23


Planning to do the 100km duo with Shawn or WK.
The organiser told me the race will start at 8am...i am targetting for 9hrs cut-off.
The race day falls on KL's birthday, I dont know whether i will be back in time to celebrate with her.


I have remained clueless for a long while....

Why do people judge you or themselves by the title you/they are holding in your/their company? Account Manager? Impressive!! Director? Awesome!!! Retrenched by company? erh.......something must be wrong with you.

Undeniably, our society is a meritocratic one.
Many a times, our personal worth are defined by what/where we stay in, the size of car we drive and the job title we hold.
Given the limited resources each of us have, we tend to go for the minimum-input-maximum-output methodology. Whats in it for me? You will always ask. No longer people will want to take the "long cut", forgetting that the road less travelled, is the more rewarding one.

We become more conditional in our human interaction. "I will do this for you only if you do this for me" or the "You didnt do this for me so why should i do this for you".
When will we start to trade "relationship" footprint on some commodity exchanges like we trade carbon footprint? Ok...so and so owes me a favour and i am trading this favour in return for something. Name your price!

I am learning to be more unconditional in my dealings with family and friends. I am not perfect and am not trying to be one perfect soul.
My wife and my baby make me want to be a better person, i have found love that i didnt know exist before.
Will you give your life in exchange for theirs? I will.
If you wont, you may need to think about it.

星期日, 五月 31


Havent been running a lot lately, havent been watching movies for a while, havent been fishing....
In fact, I havent been able to do those activities I used to do.
This must be the New-Parents-Deficiency-Syndrome.

I have decided to walkover the Sundown Marathon, due to the lack of proper mileage.
The weekly gym session is the only "sports" activity that keep my tummy in its original size.
This cannot go on : ) Laziness is addictive. Laziness is scary.

I have signed up for AHM. Just needed some motivation and pressure to get myself back in motion.

Last year I clocked 2:20 at the AHM. I hope that this year I can at least do the same.
Time to start training!

星期日, 三月 22

My Precious

My little angel, Haley, has arrived.....busy busy.

In the delivery ward....

After a satisfied meal....

星期一, 三月 9

25 Trivial Facts about Me

I was tagged in Facebook by my cousin to reveal 25 things about myself.
Scratched hard (my head of course!) to come out with the following list-

1. I hated sports till I have graduated from University. I still dont play many sports.
2. I was a nerd, but not studious, up to JC. Maybe I still am.
3. I had my first relationship at the age of 17 but it lasted only 3 months.
4. I lose weight at twice the ease of gaining them.
5. My favourite instant noodle is Maggi Mee, curry flavour.
6. I like Chinese novels more than English.
7. I love comics. You wont know it unless you have been to my house.
8. I am a spender more than a saver.
9. My dream car is a Mercedes, not a Ferrari or Porshe, cos its more an achievable dream.
10. I dream a lot and I usually remember my dreams.
11. My dreams are repetitive- either falling from a tall building, or flying in the sky, or chase/get chased by vampires (yeah i know its weird!).
12. I like love stories, love novels and love movies. Yes, I believe in soul mate.
13. I hated beer before the age of 27. I love beer since then.
14. Last dish before I die? Can I choose two? No? Probably my mum's salted vegetable duck soup.
15. I will not never appear in jogging shorts, t-shirt and slippers in town.
16. Yes, I place great importance in wearing the right attire for the right occassion, and in coordinated colours.
17. I liked the colour red up to Primary 6. I liked the colour blue up to University. After that, I like every colours.
18. I have problems with authorities.
19. I am never good at board games.
20. I think I am an under-achiever.
21. I love fishing but I cant swim.
22. I have focus deficiency. My focus span is as long as the weather reports on news.
23. I dont like current affairs.
24. I will never marry anyone with skin tone darker than mine.
25. Last, but not least, my waist measures 30in, and not 28in as you imagine. I was a 32 more than a year ago.

星期一, 三月 2

Maybe I should put them in a biscuit tin.

This is not some news that every bank will publicise, and i only stumbled upon it when i was doing my internet banking tonight- DBS has slashed all rates on savings and time deposits by up to 50%, wef today (2 Mar 2009).

Read it yourself- http://www.dbs.com/sg/personal/deposit/notice/interest_rates/pages/default.aspx

who says Cash is King?? The banks are paying me peanuts so I feel more like a monkey.

More reason to withdraw all my money and put them in a biscuit tin.
I wont be charged service fee every month, nor have to queue at ATM to withdraw $$.....hmmm...the biscuit tin option is sounding more feasible as I think about it.

Just have to remind the maid not to throw my tin away though.....

星期四, 二月 26

Is staying fit a choice?

友人说,当我女儿出世后,我再也没时间或精神keep fit.




Your life is just a summation of your choices, so the choice is yours : )


ha ha...finally www.runningahead.com is accepting Garmin's import data.

Hooray, no more manual entry!!

星期五, 二月 20


to get back to routine of 3 runs a week.
so far no success yet but i think this week should be close.
Ran home from office on Tues (7k), rollerbladed from office to changi beach park on thurs and highly likely a 18k run on Sunday.

By the way, am reading BFG's journey to triathlon with interest. Way to go, BFG!

星期二, 二月 10

MIA (Missing in Action)

Merry Xmas, Happy New Year and Gong Xi Fa Cai!!
1.5 months, thats how long I have MIAed.

My runs, just like my blog entries, were almost non-existent.
Am I giving up? Not really....but i needed a mental and physical break.
Anyway, I live to run and not run to live : )

Took 2 weeks leave both during Xmas and CNY, a very satisfying break as I managed to prepare the house for the arrival of Haley.

After so many weeks after SCSM, last weekend I finally did a run that was more than 10km.
I missed the solo runs, the secret dialogues between the shoes and the pavements, a feeling that only a runner will know.
Marathons are addictive, despite my countless complaints during the preparation : )

I have registered for the sundown, but I think it will take a backseat when Haley arrives.
Till then, I will just run as much as I can, as much as I want.