星期一, 三月 9

25 Trivial Facts about Me

I was tagged in Facebook by my cousin to reveal 25 things about myself.
Scratched hard (my head of course!) to come out with the following list-

1. I hated sports till I have graduated from University. I still dont play many sports.
2. I was a nerd, but not studious, up to JC. Maybe I still am.
3. I had my first relationship at the age of 17 but it lasted only 3 months.
4. I lose weight at twice the ease of gaining them.
5. My favourite instant noodle is Maggi Mee, curry flavour.
6. I like Chinese novels more than English.
7. I love comics. You wont know it unless you have been to my house.
8. I am a spender more than a saver.
9. My dream car is a Mercedes, not a Ferrari or Porshe, cos its more an achievable dream.
10. I dream a lot and I usually remember my dreams.
11. My dreams are repetitive- either falling from a tall building, or flying in the sky, or chase/get chased by vampires (yeah i know its weird!).
12. I like love stories, love novels and love movies. Yes, I believe in soul mate.
13. I hated beer before the age of 27. I love beer since then.
14. Last dish before I die? Can I choose two? No? Probably my mum's salted vegetable duck soup.
15. I will not never appear in jogging shorts, t-shirt and slippers in town.
16. Yes, I place great importance in wearing the right attire for the right occassion, and in coordinated colours.
17. I liked the colour red up to Primary 6. I liked the colour blue up to University. After that, I like every colours.
18. I have problems with authorities.
19. I am never good at board games.
20. I think I am an under-achiever.
21. I love fishing but I cant swim.
22. I have focus deficiency. My focus span is as long as the weather reports on news.
23. I dont like current affairs.
24. I will never marry anyone with skin tone darker than mine.
25. Last, but not least, my waist measures 30in, and not 28in as you imagine. I was a 32 more than a year ago.
