星期六, 十一月 22

Training 17-23 Nov

Although today is only Saturday, the training week ends early for me.
This week was filled with tempo runs as I am staying away from LSD till race day.

1-hr weights session. Nothing to scream about.

10km Tempo run along ECP.
Target pace 6:00/km but i ended up running too fast (was sort of racing someone for 5km).
Need to learn to control my pace/emotion...ke ke ke
Total time: 56:33 or 5:40/km

Tempo run of 2 rounds Bedok Reservoir.
Distance= 8.6km
Time= 50:26
Pace= 5:52/km
Too fast again! *knock my head*

Too lazy so skipped the weights session.

Wanted to do 5 rounds of Bedok Reservoir @ tempo pace.
However I woked up too late and only started the run at 8:30am
The sun was out in full force and by the end of 2nd round I was totally bonked!
Had a can of pocari and forced myself to do the 3rd round.

Today just didnt feel right- breathing, focus, all out of whack!
Took many water breaks than usual too.

Distance= 12.9km
Time= 1:18:51 including water breaks.
Pace= 6:07/km including water breaks.
If you are interested, here is the breakdown per km. The 0.3km stretch was where i took water breaks.

星期六, 十一月 15

Training 9-15 Nov

Another week with only handful of trainings.
I am really slackening. Started to feel the tightness at the old injured spot on right calf.

Weights- 1hour

Raining so did the run on the treadmill (I hated it as usual).
1km warm up and 1 km warm down. 7km tempo run @ 6min/km and last km @ 5min/km.

Skipped training cos too lazy but had a session with the physio therapist during lunch hour.

Arrived Fort road car park at 5:30am for my LLSD (Last LSD) before SCSM.
The sky didnt look too promising. Decided to do 3 loops of 10km (Fort Rd to UDMC Seafood Centre) so that I wouldnt be too far away from my car if it rains.
Today I did a run-walk LSD to confirm my suspicion that run-walk is faster than running the whole distance, at least for a beginner like me.
I noticed my run-walk practise runs before the sundown recorded better timings than my recent run-all-the-way LSDs.
Here are the timings for my 3 loops of 10km with 8mins run/2mins walk
Total 3:29 for 30km

After 30km, ran an additional distance of 2.195km to round off the distance to 32.195 with a total timing of 3:44. Average pace was 6:58/km as compared to my 7:14/km for my last LSD.
Confirmed that run-walk is faster for me :)

Anyway I will leave the balance 10km (42.195 minus 32.195) to the race day.
Hopefully inspiration will carry me through : )

星期三, 十一月 12


With the freaky weather lately, I was finding excuses to skip training.

Self-doubt surfaces again when SCSM draws closer.
At one stage, I was seriously contemplating to give up the marathon.
However, I still wish to "RUN" a marathon after unsuccessful attempt at Sundown, this is the only factor that keeps me going.

I need some varieties in my training. I am growing bored of running.
Maybe its time to return to trail and hill running.

Ok. After my SCSM, i will embark on my project HALEY.

By the way, its time to let the cat out of the bag- I am going to be father in less than 5 month's time : )

星期日, 十一月 9

Training 3-9 Nov

Since I did two 30k last week, wanted to take it easy this week.
My aunt passed away on Monday night, so it was a challenge to squeeze in some runs and attend her wake everynight. Anyway, the wake took priority of course.

4 Nov
A short tempo run on the treadmill before the wake.
Distance 8km @ 10km/h which translated into 6:00/km pace.
Total time 48mins.

5 Nov
Weights during lunch- 1 hour.

6 Nov
Aunt was cremated in the afternoon, so I resumed my normal training.
Intervals session at Bedok Reservoir- 5x 1km repeats @ target pace of 5:00/km, but the rest time was reduced from 4 mins to 3 mins.
Here are the timings-

Tough session but manageable.

7 Nov
Weights during lunch- 1 hour.

Supposed to run a 21k this morning @ Marathon pace (6:24/km).
Unfortunately it rained in the early morning (actually I was happy to sleep in :)) so I had to push back the run to evening.

5 rounds of Bedok Reservoir should total 21.5km.
I changed my mind during the run and I ended up doing a tempo run of 17.2km instead.
Here are the timings per loop of Bedok Reservoir (4.3km each)
Total time 1:43:26 for 17.2km. Average pace 6:02/km.

My body felt quite good after the run, no sore no pain.

星期一, 十一月 3

Training 27Oct-2Nov

ok...i have set my own record in running 2 LSD per week, all as a result of my laziness.
Was supposed to do my LSD on the Sunday during the deepavali weekend. Couldnt wake up in the morning and had to delay the LSD to Monday, 27Oct. Did another on 1Nov in order to keep to my schedule of 1 LSD/week.

30km LSD along the sundown route, and then cut short by taking the bedok PCN.
I was darn hungry during the run and took an ice milo break at the greenwood ave's hawker centre.
Man, I forgot how torturous it is to do a LSD. My knees were all sore after the run.
Total time: 3:54.
Pace= 7:49/km

Tempo run with target pace of 6min/km 2 rounds of the Bedok Reservoir.
Total distance= 8.6km
Total time= 50:24
Actual pace= 5:52/km

Another 30km LSD, but same sundown route but stopped at Big Splash to have breakfast with mum, fu ren and sis. Yeah, they were taking a walk at ECP while waiting for me : )
This run felt less torturous than previous, maybe I was more mentally prepared.
Maybe its the help of powergel.
Total time: 3:38.
Pace= 7:14/km

Bumped into the Pearl Izumi runners. Boy, they were fast!!

Almost 4 weeks from SCSM and I am still feeling so unprepared.