星期二, 二月 10

MIA (Missing in Action)

Merry Xmas, Happy New Year and Gong Xi Fa Cai!!
1.5 months, thats how long I have MIAed.

My runs, just like my blog entries, were almost non-existent.
Am I giving up? Not really....but i needed a mental and physical break.
Anyway, I live to run and not run to live : )

Took 2 weeks leave both during Xmas and CNY, a very satisfying break as I managed to prepare the house for the arrival of Haley.

After so many weeks after SCSM, last weekend I finally did a run that was more than 10km.
I missed the solo runs, the secret dialogues between the shoes and the pavements, a feeling that only a runner will know.
Marathons are addictive, despite my countless complaints during the preparation : )

I have registered for the sundown, but I think it will take a backseat when Haley arrives.
Till then, I will just run as much as I can, as much as I want.

2 条评论:

匿名 说...

will bring haley to the finishing line to wait for papa.... :)

BFG 说...

Welcome back! I was wondering why no post for so long!

All the best in prep for Haley and SD (in that order)!