星期四, 七月 31
Last Training Day of the month
She claimed she is not a fast runner but can go the distance. Since i wanted to take it easy so I was happy to just follow her pace. And thanks to her for regulating my pace, i was able to finish the run feeling fresh. I really forgot how to do it slow and steady...recently have been running too fast for the longer runs.
Overall, a good run to end the month.
Distance: 14km
Time: 1:38:48
Avg Pace: 7:04/km
2 other colleagues were talking about signing up for the 21km SCSM.
I think I will organise an office run every Tuesday and Thursday for those who wanna run.
^..^ ^..^
星期三, 七月 30
A welcome addition to my otherwise boring office environment....go green in the office.
Will be buying more smaller potted plants soon.
I have slacked again....planned to be at the gym @ 7am before attending a full-day workshop @830am in the office.
I was still on the bed at 7am...enough said.
I find that workshops/seminar/long meetings are bad for my health cos
1. I cant stop stuffing those candies in my mouth
2. I cant stop drinking tea to keep myself awake.
So basically, I suffer from caffeine and sugar high....so ERIC! WIPE THAT STUPID SMILE OFF YOUR FACE!!
^..^ ^..^
星期一, 七月 28
Training 26-28 Jul
Went for one round of Bedok Reservoir before meeting up the gang for dinner.
Tried to run and hold at sub-6 pace.
Total distance: 4.3km
Total time: 23:18
Avg pace: 5:26/km
Avg HR: 174
Drove down to ECP in the evening to run a weekly MSD (Medium Slow Distance).
To my frustration, I couldnt find a parking lot in ECP, even the paid ones!!!!
You cant deter car ownership by upping your ERP. USE YOUR BRAIN!!!! YOU ARE ALL SCHOLARS!!!!
LL, had to head to the GYM for treadmill instead.
Did 1 km warm up then stretched, followed by more km on the treadmill. 1km @ 6/km pace and increased to 5:42/km. I bonked at 3.6km. Just felt tired so decided to call it a day. Think I still hate running on treadmill.
A lousy run!
Finally, I could do my MSD at ECP. Weather was excellent and it was breezy all the way, but I was running slower than last week. Nevermind, better than never run : )
By the way, I was running without my garmin today so have to gauge my pace from my effort.
Total Distance: 14km
Total Time: 1:33:14
Avg pace: 6:40/km
^..^ ^..^
星期日, 七月 27
My loot from Hong Kong
Each sachet can mix into 1 litre of pocari isotonic drink.
If anyone knows where I can buy this mix in Singapore please let me know.
2. 5 tees and 1 running shorts from Adidas, all with 30% staff discount : )
3 of the tees went to fu ren, which includes a Beijing olympics tee.
For myself, a formotion running top (same as Sundown Race tee but with sleeves), a gym tee and the formotion running shorts.
3. Lastly, of course plenty of tidbits for the family- dried mango, dried scallops, chicken and duck wings etc etc
^..^ ^..^
星期五, 七月 25
I am coming home
Finally....end of my hectic trip...I want to be home so much.....
^..^ ^..^
星期二, 七月 22
Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon- 2008
Free Eats- Bangkok 22Jul
星期一, 七月 21
Free Eats- Bangkok 21Jul
For the benefit of those that havent heard of MK, MK is similar to Coca in Singapore.
Half-way through our meal, the restaurant started blasting the music.
As we were wondering what happened, the restaurant staff started dancing.
The dance steps were simple but it provided some entertainment for the patrons.
Later I learned that the restaurant does it everyday at the same time.
I am a Dancing Queen..YEAH!
Ok. Since I had a good run this evening, I have decided to reward myself with a good meal. Took the MRT to Hua Lamphong station and then a cab to Chinatown.
Finally finally, I reached my favourite Kuay Chup store in Chinatown.
The kuay chop is different from the braise sauce kuay chup we have in Singapore. The soup base here is similar to our peppery pig stomach soup, with a mixture of kuay and pig's spare parts.
My long-missed Kuay Chup
Oooooo....i missed it so much.....After my bowl of kuay chup, I crossed the road to another chinese restaurant.This time, the victims are the sharks (Sorry Karmen! I know I am sinned :))Ordered a bowl (claypot, to be exact) of abalone sharkfins soup + a bottle of singha beer.
The white piece on the left is abalone. Those pieces on the right once belong to some sharks
The damage was
Kuay Chup- THB 55
Abalone Sharkfins- THB 700
Singha Beer- THB 50
To relive the experience- PRICELESS!
Fu Ren and Moo Moo, wish you were here!!!
^..^ ^..^
Free Runs- Bangkok 21Jul
In the end, nature always truimph over artificial- I chose the park.
There is a running/walking track and a cycling track that circles the pond.
1 lap round the pond is about 1.84km according to my Garmin.
Since I just did my MSD yesterday, I was planning to take it easy today.
Did my first lap as a warm up, avg pace is about 6:30/km.
Second lap I went crazy and ran at an avg of sub-5/km pace.
Third lap was a warm down at an avg pace @ 6:00/km.
Felt very good during and after the run, havent had this shiok feeling for a long time.
Think today I was on-form.
Here are the numbers
Total distance: 5.52km
Toal time: 30:58
Avg pace: 5:36/km
Avg HR: 170
^..^ ^..^
Training and Travelling 20Jul
Had to drag myself out of bed in the morning...but it was already 8+ and the sun was out in full force.
Parked my car at Big Splash @ ECP so that fu ren could wait for me at starbucks.
Started my run at 9+am and man it was HOT HOT HOT. When I ran towards Mac, the sun was shining on my face and on the return, the sun was shining on my back.
Basically, I was chao da both front and back : )
Didnt want to exert cos it was a hot day (anyway I couldnt too ;p).
Saw a few guys running in their tri suit so I guess they were doing their brick.
Anyway, here are the numbers including warm up and a few water breaks
Total km: 14km
Total time: 1hr32mins
Avg Pace: 6:35/km
Avg HR: 169
Yes travelling again : ((
This time to Bangkok and Hong Kong, for a duration of 1 week. Will be back on Friday.
Took the 8pm SQ flight to BKK.
I have requested a hotel limo to pick me up from airport.
To my surprise, they sent a BMW 5 series. Hm...I can get use to this : ))
And to my further surprise, the driver sent me to the wrong hotel :((
I finally arrived at the right hotel, late and hungry.
At the hotel's front desk, I requested for a bowl of tum yum kuey teow and Singha Beer rightaway.
I must be the most "yao kui" (饿鬼) hotel guest they have ever seen : )))
My first time staying at this boutique hotel, Park Plaza. Nice little hotel with trendy interior. And best of all my office is just across the road. The only let-down is that there are no eateries or supermarket or spa near the hotel. Think I will visit Chinatown for my favourite kuay chup on Mon night.
星期五, 七月 18
Swim 18Jul
I get tensed up every time I enter the water, and thus making the grasp for air more difficult.
The whole swimming thingy is really getting more demoralizing and thus explains the reluctance to practice.
Vicious cycle.
^..^ ^..^
Training 18Jul
Going off for a quick dip in the pool during lunch. Been having great reluctance in practising my swimming for the past 2 weeks. Always find excuses not to go down to the pool....tsk tsk tsk.
Will be away to Bangkok and Hong Kong next week so my training sked will be disrupted again. Will bring my running shoes along to do at least some runs in or outside the hotels.
^..^ ^..^
星期三, 七月 16
Nike Human Race
Registration is $45 which I think is expensive.
Furthermore, Nike will be printing the bib # on the race tee and I doubt I will be wearing the race tee after the race.
think think think.
^..^ ^..^
星期二, 七月 15
Training Tuesday
Running on treadmill can be really really boring, therefore all my treadmill runs are limited to 5km.
Did a 1km slow run to warm up, then stopped to do some stretching, followed by a 5km quick run,
Started the run at 9.5km/h and gradually increased the pace with last 2km at 11km/h (pace 5:27/km).
Found it tough to hold the pace for the 2km.
Total distance: 5km
Total time: 29:45
Avg pace: 5:57/km
^..^ ^..^
星期日, 七月 13
L.S.D (Lousy Slow Distance)
Sun was still blazing at 6pm when I started my run.
Man, ECP was really really crowded and I think Singapore's migrant policy is stretching our existing recreation infrastructure.
Anyway, I was totally drenched 5km into the run but I didnt stop to replenish the loss of fluid.
Felt breathless at the 8km mark and the last 3km was pure agony (I cut short the run at 13km).
This run has confirmed that my endurance has gone down the drain : ((
Total distance: 13km
Time: 1hr 20mins
Avg Pace: 6:11/km
Avg HR: 176
The cup of fresh squeezed orange juice at Lagoon Hawker Centre was godsend.
^..^ ^..^
星期四, 七月 10
Days in Shanghai
In Singapore, the nights tend to cool down faster but in Shanghai, somehow the heat gets trapped between the buildings, by the roads etc.
Business meetings went well and the outcome was I will have more travellings to do in the month of August : ((( I want to stay in Singapore to accompany fu ren.
Hope the travelling dates wont coincide with my AHM (keeping my fingers cross).
This time round, I finally made a trip to the tailor that my colleagues were bragging about (cheap and good, they claimed). The choices of fabric were not as many as my regular tailor in Singapore, but hey, for RMB250 a shirt, I cant ask for more.
Also, managed to squeeze in a 5km run and some sets of weights in the hotel's gym, although it felt more like a sauna session than a workout session.
Finally, its time to come home, and thank god, the new star alliance airport lounge is finally ready. Unfortunately, the check-in staff forgot to issue my lounge pass and I have to scramble for my KF card. I remember its somewhere in my notebook bag....ah..found it at the bottom...*curse the check-in staff*.
Oh, before I board the plane, share with you one blunder i have made.
I forgot the combination on my new Samsonite luggage and I spent about 30mins trying 1000 (almost) combinations when I arrived at the SHanghai hotel.
And as stated by the Murphy's law, the correct number is always the last few you try. And true enough, the combination was 9-3-9. *middle finger*.
By the way, this is not the first time I have done the same thing. Last time round, the combination was 8-X-X. *middle finger again*. Next time I should set the combination as 0-0-1 : )
^..^ ^..^
星期二, 七月 8
I split my training into cycles of 2 weeks each, trying to squeeze in 6 runs, 4 gym and 4 swims.
So far, I have little success in adhering to my schedule. Been travelling a bit lately so also find it tough to train on the go too. I wonder how those triatheletes manage clock 14hrs of training per week.
Pearl Izumi Run series 2 has extended another 100 slots due to overwhelming response. Very tempted to join so I can do it as my last LSD before the AHM. Since AHM is not my targetted race, my only hope is to better my half marathon timing at SCSM (2hr27mins. PB is 2hr10mins). Anyway i am not too hopeful of running fast as I am still plagued with the nagging injuiry of my hamstring.
Swimming lessons- those are the most demoralising days of the week. Complete disaster. I am starting to wonder maybe I am not born to swim. Have you seen a rooster swim before? I rest my case.
Ok ok..its time to catch my flight to Shanghai. See all of you in a few days.
星期日, 七月 6
Citi Milkrun 2008

Weather looked threatening at first but turned out to be a blessing.
Fu ren didnt participate in this race but she accompanied me there.
We parked near Gallery and took a slow walk. I wanted to take it easy so arrived at the venue at 3pm when the race scheduled to start at 3.15pm.
First thing to do was to answer the nature's call but proceeding to do a short warm up and stretching.
When the Guest-of-Honour, Mr Teo Ser Luck, waved off the 9.4km race, I then started running towards the starting line from the warm up area.
As usual, the first km or so was congested. It didnt help when the running path only allowed 2 to pass at max.
The sun was out 2km into the race and I felt so "chuang"(out of breath). Maybe its the sun but I think my fitness is deteriotating.
Weaved through the crowd for the first 4-5km. Was pacing behind the group of SMU runners when I finally overtook the 2 gals + 1 guy around the 6km mark.
There was no distance marker and I was glad that I had my garmin with me. Also, I skipped the water points to save some time as I brought along my hand bottle.
The first half of the race was a drag as I couldnt find my rhythm, but I was going stronger late in the race. Unfortunately, I was holding back the "cheong-ing" as I expected the distance was 9.4km. I opened up my pace a bit from the 7th km onwards, but surprise surprise, the finish line was at the 8.8km mark instead of 9.4km, so I was deprived of the chance to cheong!
Again, let the numbers do the talking.
Total distance: 8.8km
Total time: 52:03
Avg HR: 184
0-1km 6:29/km HR 171
1-2km 5:53 179
2-3km 5:48 183
3-4km 5:45 186
4-5km 6:09 185
5-6km 5:58 186
6-7km 6:10 188
7-8km 5:38 190
8-8.8km 5:24 195
Didnt take any photo this time cos I didnt bring any camera.
Overall, the race was well organised and the officials and supporters were great!
星期六, 七月 5
星期三, 七月 2
Weights Session
Did sets of squats (4x20), chest press (3x15), fly(2x15), reverse fly(2x15), shoulder press(3x15), plank (2x45secs), bridge (2x20), single-legged bridge (3x20 each leg) and bicep curls (2x15 each arm).
And I am supposed to do the same 3 times per week! Wtf??!!
I cant feel my arms and my shoulders are aching now, but it feels good : )
Our 1st Wedding Anniversary
We both took half-a-day leave and went shopping!
Bought a pair of Asics Cumulus for fu ren (yeah, lately our shopping venues tend to be sport shops). She bought me dinner at our favourite Rakuichi restaurant.
Although we didnt have any fanciful celebration but to us, it is the simple moments spent together that count.