星期一, 八月 11

Sports Injuries Consultation- 11 Aug 08

After postponing the appointment twice, I finally made my way down to clinic@cuppage for a consultation with Dr. Low.

For those who remembers, I pulled my calf muscle before the Sundown Marathon.
It has never recovered since then and I can always feel a nagging pain at the spot.
After the diagnosis, Dr. Low found that I have 3 strains along with thickening of muscles on my right leg, starting from the hamstring down to the calf.
He recommended that I go through a couple of sessions with the Physiotherapist to breakdown the scar tissue and loosen the muscles, along with some anti-inflammatory medications that he prescribed.
Running is not recommended at the moment but cross-trainings are ok.
I have already booked a PT session on this Wednesday and anticipate it will be a painful session : (

Overall, it was a good experience with Dr. Low and I definitely have a better impression of him as compared to some young sport doctors at the restructed hospitals. Highly recommended if you are currently plagued with some sports injuries.

Will share with you my PT experience on Wednesday.

^..^ ^..^
