The unfounded confidence was carried over in my trainings and race, which i recorded my personal best for various distances-
15km- 1:27 (Real run)
21km- 2:09
28km- 3:00
28km was the longest i ran before SCSM. Was really busy with my work and house moving so trainings were sporadic. Since I could do TNF100, what is SCSM? And so i thought.
As usual, we booked a room at Pan Pacific the night before the race. Dear was contemplating whether to go ahead with her 21km, but decided to pursue due to a strained rib muscle.
I anticipated the huge crowd at the start line and stayed in the hotel room to watch the flag-off on live telecast instead.
I made my way to the start line after 15mins, and crossed the start line at 6am, 30 mins after the official start time.
Stuck to my 8 min run/2 min walk strategy. The only difference from last year was i ran the 8min @ below 6:00/km, just like i did in my earlier trainings.
Here were my 10km split for the first 30km
I clocked 3:22 by the time i crossed 30th km. With 12km to go, i ignited the hope for a sub-5 PB (remember i did the TNF100, so I must be invincible:) ).
However, i slowed down considerably after 30km and looked for every excuse to prolong my walk breaks. And at 34th km, BOOMZ, I hit the wall. My both thighs and calves cramped so badly, i couldnt move a step. After a long 5mins (yes it felt long), the cramps eased off and i tried to stretch, the cramps came back! ha! Another few centuries have passed before I started to limp for the remaining journey.
I broke into slow jogs whenever the legs were better. That was the longest 12km, only second to the 10km (aka hill 256) during TNF.
I crossed the finish line in 5:08, 6 mins slower than last year, disappointed but i knew i tried my best.
The SCSM humbled me, and put me back in reality. Running 42km is a daunting task, as PK rightfully puts it "42km is still a mountain, not a molehill". You cannot go in without a sound strategy and preparation and still expect to do a PB.
So will i be back next year to claim my PB? I dont know, the route is getting too boring for me. Maybe I will seek my revenge elsewhere.