Started at 4am and completed the distance in 4hr 7mins 11sec, better than I expected.
I was finishing strong along the ECP (26-35km) stretch as compared to the fatigue I had in my last 32km run.
Distance Planned time Actual Time
7km 0:50:00 0:48:00
14km 1:40:00 1:41:00 (including 6mins water and toilet break at 7km)
26km 3:05:00 3:11:30 (including 4mins water break at 14km)
32km 3:48:00 3:52:00 (including 3mins water and toilet break at 26km)
35km 4:09:00 4:07:11 (including 3 mins water break at 32km)
As you can see, my planned time have not included any water or toilet breaks but in reality, I was able to take breaks and yet better the timings.
Distance Planned Pace Actual Pace(Incld Breaks) Actual Pace(Excld Breaks)
0-7km 7.11min/km 6.93min/km 6.07min/km
7-14km 7.11min/km 7.59min/km 7.02min/km
14-26km 7.11min/km 7.49min/km 7.24min/km
26-32km 7.11min/km 6.75min/km 6.25min/km
32-35km 7.11min/km 5.06min/km 5.06min/km
I was running the 26-35km stretch faster than the 0-26km stretch. I am wondering why....
I think the following contributed to my better timings than my last 32km run-
1. Better water management during the 14-26km (coastal road) stretch. The last time I ran out of water half-way through.
2. Had 2 packs of powergel at 14km and 26km for extra boost. I had only 1 pack at 14km for the previous 32km run.
3. I started the run an hour earlier at 4am to avoid the heat. The last 32km run I started at 5am and was caught in the heat along ECP.
4. I am more familiar with the route than before.
Hee hee! I am already looking forward to the next 35km run 2 weeks later. That will be my last LSD run before the actual event.
Oh by the way, it's the first time I had blood in my urine (at 26km toilet break). Although it is not uncommon in long distance runner, and it turned normal after consumption of plenty of fluid, I will need to monitor the situation.
One of the listed possible causes is not drinking enough water. Ok, i promise to keep myself properly hydrated during future runs, especially in the recent hot spell.
(I had 2 cans of istonic drink, plus 2200ml of water for this run. This is how much our body will at least need).