星期六, 十一月 15

Training 9-15 Nov

Another week with only handful of trainings.
I am really slackening. Started to feel the tightness at the old injured spot on right calf.

Weights- 1hour

Raining so did the run on the treadmill (I hated it as usual).
1km warm up and 1 km warm down. 7km tempo run @ 6min/km and last km @ 5min/km.

Skipped training cos too lazy but had a session with the physio therapist during lunch hour.

Arrived Fort road car park at 5:30am for my LLSD (Last LSD) before SCSM.
The sky didnt look too promising. Decided to do 3 loops of 10km (Fort Rd to UDMC Seafood Centre) so that I wouldnt be too far away from my car if it rains.
Today I did a run-walk LSD to confirm my suspicion that run-walk is faster than running the whole distance, at least for a beginner like me.
I noticed my run-walk practise runs before the sundown recorded better timings than my recent run-all-the-way LSDs.
Here are the timings for my 3 loops of 10km with 8mins run/2mins walk
Total 3:29 for 30km

After 30km, ran an additional distance of 2.195km to round off the distance to 32.195 with a total timing of 3:44. Average pace was 6:58/km as compared to my 7:14/km for my last LSD.
Confirmed that run-walk is faster for me :)

Anyway I will leave the balance 10km (42.195 minus 32.195) to the race day.
Hopefully inspiration will carry me through : )

1 条评论:

BFG 说...

Run-walk works well for me. At your current form and pace, you are looking at a sub-5 easily! Take it easy for the next few weeks and achieve a PB at SCSM!