星期四, 十月 29

The week (or almost a week) after

It has been wine (beer to be exact) and dine ever since the race. Feel so good to take a break from the usual trainings.
Did a recovery jog with dear on Sunday and this is the one time she ran faster than me :)
I dont know about the rest but I keep feeling sleepy in the day, everyday. In fact, I fell asleep during my sport massage session yesterday which is unusual.

"What's next?" has been the question.
Maybe I can discuss with the few like-minded friends when we meet up for more wine and dine next week.

Now, back to work zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

星期日, 十月 25

TNF100 2009

This was a tough race in 4 aspects-
1. Race day fell on my wife's birthday. I needed her "permission" to run.
2. I was driven by the constant worry that i would miss the cut-off time at 1st checkpoint (29.2km, cut-off 5hrs).
3. The weather = HOT!
4. The terrain, especially the Hill 256 (or 265?). Re-lived the memory of national service.

Started the race with BFG, PK and Ms. Kona (my race partner, who is a mini-celebrity in the triathlon circle).
A quick recount of what i can remember of the race (i have bad memory you see)

0-10km (Time 1:30)
Targeted pace was 10min/km. However, we flirted dangerously with the target pace.
Worried that I might miss the cut-off, I ran ahead anyway.

20km (Time 3:05)
What did I do? I couldnt remember.

30km (Time 4:35)
The toughest 10km I have ever run.
My strategy then was to run from shade to shade, which were far and few.
When I saw the Hill 256, my heart sank. I swore I wanted to give up at that point.
Light thigh felt crampy, and continued to threaten to act up for the next 20km.
And phew! I made the 1st cut-off time.

40km (Time 6:10)
At this point i knew that I was almost certain to make it to end point before the 9hrs cut-off, barring all unforeseen circumstances- eg. eaten by a tiger or abducted by an alien.
If I continued the pace I could shoot for a sub-8 hrs finish. Fortunately, I was left with the easier stretch of the race route- rifle range road to MR.
50km (Time 7:52++)
Yipee!! A sub-8 hrs finish :)))
The last 5km felt forever. All i could do was walk all the uphills, and slow jog on the down and level ground- our strategy from the start. For the last 500m, all I could manage was a slow jog to the finishing line. Quite an un-glam finish but hey, I was drained.

Things that are worthy of mention
1. Never wrap the electrolyte tablets in tissue, cos it melts. Idiot!
Oh, btw, thanks PK for the tablets.

2. Power walk up the hills instead of running. It saves energy without comprising much time.

3. Shiit happens during a race, no matter how good a runner you are. You can never prepare enough for unfortunate events that are thrown at you. There's always another race another day, it takes greater courage to call it quit.

4. Ice grapes (courtesy of kind souls at sgrunners' support) and Ice 100-plus (courtesy of eat2run support) have neven tasted so good.

5. My heartfelt appreciation to all the supporters and volunteers. You guys are godsend and made the journey more bearable.

6. Last but most importantly, congratulation to BFG and PK who completed the race. Timing is not of the essence but the spirit of perseverance. We will meet again in Sundown 84km?
PS. Did you guys get the autograph from Ms. Kona :))

This is indeed the toughest race I have ever run.
This is one race I can be proud of.

星期日, 十月 18

Counting Down and Gearing Up

Counting Down- TNF100.
Gearing up- SCSM 2009

I guess its futile to train for TNF100 in the last 2 weeks. Thus I have shifted my focus to SCSM instead.

Sun (11Oct)-
A day after the 36km LSD trail run. Did a run at ECP with dear- a recovery run for me, and a SCSM half-marathon practise run for her.
9.3km. 1:11.

Wed- Was feeling moody from work. What is better at destressing than a run. A 18.5km run along the park connectors. 2:11, including warm-up, traffic stops and water breaks.

Sat- Squeezed in a late afternoon short run before a dinner appointment. Hate to run under the hot sun if you know me. Hard-pressed to keep up the tempo race, which in my definition is 6:00/km. Result was 4km averaging 5:45/km.

Sun (18Oct)- Dear did her SCSM practise run this evening. I did my tempo run. 9 km averaging 5:50-6:00/km. Pace was good and with the absence of heat, I felt I could go on forever. Good run.